7 RSVP Reminder Wording Ideas & Message Samples

Getting your RSVPs back from guests can be stressful! Your RSVPs are important for finalizing your arrangements. You may need some RSVP reminder wording ideas not only so you can have a final headcount but also in case you need to make special arrangements for dietary restrictions. Here are some wedding RSVP reminder wording ideas that you can use to encourage your guests to reply with their responses.
Wedding RSVPs are usually sent out with the invitations, which are usually no later than six weeks ahead of the wedding date. You’ll want to have your final wedding count at least two weeks before the wedding so you can finalize your numbers and plans. You might find that some people procrastinate on responding and therefore you may need to send reminders.
Looking for RSVP cards? Here are some great ideas and options that will help you find RSVP cards for your wedding!
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Don’t Stress Out Over Procrastinators – Get Your RSVP Reminder Wording Ideas
Some people are procrastinators and others simply forget to send back their RSVP card and therefore, you should always have a plan for how you’re going to remind your guests to respond.
It can be difficult to figure out your RSVP reminder wording in a way that doesn’t sound pushy or mean. I wanted to provide some wording samples that you can use to help send out those reminders in a kind and yet urgent manner. It’s important for your guests to know that their reservation for your wedding is important to make sure your planning is complete.
There are various ways you could go about sending reminders, including:
Send emails or texts
Make phone calls
Send Facebook or Instagram messages
Speak to them in person
Send emails to guests via your wedding website
Fun Fact
What does RSVP mean? RSVP stands for the French phrase Répondez s’il vous plaît. The English translation of this phrase is “Please Respond”.
Wedding RSVP Reminder Wording Message Sample
Here are some ideas that you can use for wording on your RSVP reminders. You can reword these however you would like and personalize them for your guests.
The important thing to give a nice, gentle reminder that is not accusatory. However, you also want to show a sense of urgency since you really do need people to let you know if they will be attending or not.
Give all the Response Options
Here is a great example of an RSVP reminder that gives all the options for RSVPing: online, mail a card, etc
We are so excited for our upcoming wedding on [date]! We can't wait to see all our friends and family and share our joy and happiness.
Ask for their Meal Choice
In this RSVP example, you can let them know that you need their meal choice. This serves as a gentle reminder that you cannot finalize their meal choice if they are planning on coming unless they respond.
Hi [Guest name]!
Just wanted to see if you and [guest name] are going to be able to make it to the wedding or not. If so, please also let me know you meal choices (steak, fish, chicken, vegetarian).
Thanks so much and we hope to see you soon!
RSVP Deadline Reminder
Perhaps your guest simply forgot to RSVP. This is a great way to remind them when the deadline was and that you need their response in order to finalize the headcount.
Dear [Guest name],
We are so excited for our upcoming wedding on [date]! We can’t wait to share this day with our loved ones!
This is just a friendly reminder that the RSVP deadline was on [date]. Please let us know if you will be attending as soon as possible so we have determine our final head count.
You can RSVP online through our wedding website [link] or you can contact us via email or a phone.
[phone number]
[email address]
Thank you,
[Bride and Groom name]
Short and Sweet Text Message
I love how short, simple, and to the point this example is. You don’t need some long and drawn-out message… in fact, something like this could be sent via text message!
Hey [Guest name]! Just wanted to make sure that you received our invitation. I need to give the final head count to the caterer by [date] and wanted to know if you’ll be able to make it. We really hope you can.
Don’t Place Blame
This is a great way to reach out while not making the person feel guilty for not responding. By stating that you know a few invites didn’t make it, you not putting the guest on the spot about not responding soon enough.
Hey [Guest name}, just making sure you received our invitation (we learned that a few invites didn’t make it...). Anyways, we just wanted to see if you’re able to make it to our special day? We truly hope so!
Please let me know by [date] so we can finalize our head count. Thanks!
Blame it on the Caterer
These next two examples are a great way to gently inform your guest why it’s important that you receive their RSVP. Let them know that in order to accommodate them at the wedding, you need their RSVP to give final numbers to your caterer.
We must have missed your RSVP. :(
We need to send final numbers to our caterer by [date]. Please let me know if you are able to come so that we can accommodate you at the wedding. Really hope to see you there!
Let me know either way, thanks!
Hi [Guest name]. I just wanted to make sure you received the invitation to our wedding, as I haven’t heard from you.
I hope you and [guest] can attend. I need to give a final number to the caterer on [date], so please let me know if you are able to be there.
You can call me at [phone number]
Feel free to share your RSVP reminder messages in the comments for more ideas of what to say!