9 Free Printable Wedding Activities for Guests
Wedding receptions can be a lot of fun if you know how to keep your guests entertained throughout the night. Here are some really fun free printable wedding reception activities for guests that will keep them entertained all night long!
You could easily and fairly inexpensively incorporated these games into your table centerpieces by getting a basket and places the pages and pens, pencils, and crayons for guests to see.
If you want to get more creative with it, buy some fancy paper, washi tape, and other creative things to incorporate them into your wedding theme.
In addition to providing your wedding guests with loads of fun and laughs, you’ll get to read what they wrote when the night is over!
Table of ContentsToggle
1. How Well Do You Know the Bride and Groom
This is a fun, and ultimately quite humorous, fill in the blank activity that guests will enjoy! And the bride and groom will have fun reading the answers later.
You can download it free from Something Turquoise.
2. I Spy Wedding Game
This game is great if you are using a wedding hashtag and encouraging guests to post their pics on social media. You could also get disposable cameras to put on the tables if you want to invest in developing them later.
You can download this photo list for free from The Springs Events.
3. Advice for Newlyweds Mad Lib
Your wedding guests will have so much fun filling out these mad libs! Adults and kids alike and fill them out and make up some pretty funny stories to read aloud to their table.
You can download this Mad Lib for free from Blue Sky Papers.
4. Children’s Wedding Activity Book
One way to keep kids occupied during the reception is to provide some activity books and crayons. These fun printables will make great books that they can either take with them and leave for you to look through later.
Download and print this activity book at The Wedding of My Dreams
5. Advice Cards
These advice cards will either make you laugh or cry. Some guests will have fun writing funny things or will leave you serious notes for you to remember.
Get the free download from Paper Rose.
6. The Newlywed Tip Jar
This is such a fun way to mix up the idea of a “tip jar”. Leave these papers and jar near your guest book table and ask guests to fill out their best tips for the new couple. This is also a great alternative to having a guestbook!
Download this free printable from Confetti Daydreams.
7. Children’s Activity Pages
You could easily print about a bunch of these printable activities for kids and put them on the tables or make a special kids table. Kids will have fun coloring and doing different activities.
You can download the sheets at Be My Guest.
8. Wedding Day Word Scramble
While this could also be used for a bridal shower, it’s a fun game for adults and kids to do during the reception.
Get the free printable at bridal-shower-games.com
9. Wedding Speech Sweepstakes
Wedding speeches are usually very sentimental and also a little humorous. Might as well capitalize on the tradition and make a little competition out of it 😉
Get the information for this game at Bride and Groom Direct.
This is only a handful of the different free printables you could get to keep your wedding guests entertained at your wedding reception. Feel free to share your favorite wedding reception printable activities for guests in the comments!