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Complete Guide to Getting Married in Arkansas

If you’re engaged and are looking to be married in the state of Arkansas, there are a few important requirements and laws you need to know and follow.

So what are the requirements to get married in Arkansas? In order to get married in Arkansas, the minimum age for men is 17 and the minimum age for women is 16 with parental consent. There are no residency rules, blood tests, or waiting periods to get married in Arkansas. Marriage licenses cost $60 across the state.

For more details about the marriage laws in Arkansas, I’ve provided more details below.

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At What Age Can You Get Married in Arkansas?

In the start of Arkansas, any male who is 17 and any female who is 16 or 17 is required to have parental consent. This means they need to provide:

  1. The consent of both parents of each person unless the parents have been divorced and custody of the child has been awarded to one of the parents exclusive of the other.

There are a few exceptions to this rule where the court may allow the marriage are:

  1. the parent is not fit to give parental consent for the child

  2. the marriage is not in the best interest of the child

  3. one or both parties are under the minimum age and the female is pregnant or given birth to their child

What Documents Do You Need to Get Married in Arkansas?

In the state of Arkansas, applicants who are 18 years old or older must present a valid government-issued photo ID such as a driver’s license, passport, or military ID, showing their correct name and date of birth.

If an applicant’s name has changed through a divorce and their photo ID does not show their name change, they must provide a certified copy of their divorce decree. The decree must state that their name has been restored to his or her original name.

Also, the clerk will need to verify your age, so you must bring birth certificates for both parties.

Additionally, both parties must provide their social security number if they have one. Social Security numbers will only be provided to the Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration, should the need arise.

Applicants who are underage will also need to provide a parental consent form.

If you’ve been divorced and you correct name doesn’t show on your photo ID, you need to provide your divorce decree showing that you reverted your name back to your original name.

How Much Does a Marriage License Cost in Arkansas?

The cost of a marriage license in the state of Arkansas is $60. The cost is the same across the state, unlike some other states.

The license must be sent back with the officiant signatures within 60-days of the issued-date.

Please be sure to contact your county probate office beforehand to verify any information you see here as it’s difficult to keep up with any changes that may happen.

Can You Get Married At the Courthouse in Arkansas?

You can get married at any courthouse in Arkansas. Some take appointments and others work on first come, first serve basis. Call ahead of time to find out the exact details.

Thankfully, if you wish to have a courthouse wedding in Arkansas, you can go to any county to be married. Arkansas does not have any residency restrictions and therefore you can get married at any county courthouse you like.

Is There a Waiting Period to Get Married in Arkansas?

There is not a waiting period to recieve your marriage license to be married in Arkansas. You take your marriage license with you and can be married the day you obtain it.

However, you must return the license within 60-days of the issuance date or you are guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined anywhere from $100 to $500.

Who Can Marry You in Arkansas?

According to A.C.A. § 9-11-213 , the following persons are permitted to officiate weddings in the state of Arkansas:

  1. The Governor

  2. Any former justice of the Supreme Court

  3. Any judges of the courts of record within this state, including any former judge of a court of record who served at least four years or more

  4. Any justice of the peace, including any former justice of the peace who served at least two terms since the passage of Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 55

  5. Any regularly ordained minister or priest of any religious sect or denomination

  6. The mayor of any city or town

  7. Any official appointed for that purpose by the quorum court of the county where the marriage is to be solemnized

  8. Any elected district court judge and any former municipal or district court judge who served at least four years

“Marriages solemnized through the traditional rite of the Religious Society of Friends, more commonly known as Quakers, are recognized as valid to all intents and purposes the same as marriages otherwise contracted and solemnized in accordance with law.

The functions, duties, and liabilities of a party solemnizing marriage, as set forth in the marriage laws of this state, in the case of marriages solemnized through the traditional marriage rite of the Religious Society of Friends, shall be incumbent upon the clerk of the congregation or, in his or her absence, his or her duly designated alternate.”

Can You Legally Marry your Cousin in Arkansas?

In the state of Arkansas, it is against the law to marry your first cousin. Doing so or being the officiant of a marriage between first cousins could result in fines and imprisonment.

Whoever contracts marriage in fact, contrary to the prohibitions of subsection (a) of this section, and whoever knowingly solemnizes the marriage shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of the jury who shall pass on the case, or if the conviction shall be by confession, or on demurrer, then at the discretion of the court. A.C.A. § 9-11-106

Additionally, same-sex marriage is legal in Arkansas.

How Long Do You Have to Be Together for Common Law Marriage in Arkansas?

No matter how many years a couple is together, the state of Arkansas does not recognize common law marriage. This means that the couple cannot receive the benefits that other married couple would receive.

Additionally, Arkansas does not recognize common law marriages that were considered valid in other states.

Disclosure: It is almost impossible for me to keep up with changing state and county marriage license requirements. The information provided in this article should be used for guidance only and not as legal advice. Please contact your local probate office for more information.


Hi, I’m Kristin. While I haven’t found my Prince Charming yet, I’ve been dreaming of getting married for a long long time. I started this site as a place to record all the things I’ve found and researched in preparation for my own wedding someday. I can’t wait to share it all with you!

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